Judge doesn't like sentence
by Chris Meyers Almey
NNSL (Mar 21/97) - For Judge Michel Bourassa, a 90-day jail sentence he handed a man last week for on a fourth drunk driving conviction amounts to a fraud against society. That's because if he's caught drinking and driving again, Claude Alan Marshall might only face a sentenced of just over 90-days. Because of courtroom conventions and past sentences Marshall has received, it is likely a further drunk driving conviction would result in only a slightly more harsh sentence, Bourassa suggested. But courts of appeal are standing behind sentences of up to two years, Bourassa warned Marshall, who was also placed on probation and prohibited from driving for 30 months. Marhsall was found to be impaired while driving erratically on Sept. 15 last year. Three previous convictions cost him $1,200, 90 days in jail and a $750 fine respectively. Most people wake up after their first conviction, Bourassa said. Marshall will serve his 90 days on weekends. |