by P.J. Harston
Northern News Services
NNSL (Feb 07/97) - A territorial court judge has refused to free a 45-year-old man charged with assaulting his wife.
Judge Michel Bourassa said Tuesday that he wasn't convinced releasing the man would be in the victim's best interest.
"It seems to me there's a great danger - when one personality prevails over the other - of absences of memory (during testimony at a trial)," said Bourassa.
"The damage to the administration of justice could be significant if he's released," he added.
Crown lawyer Sandra Aitken opposed a release. She said that, while the man's wife hasn't lived at the couple's home since Jan. 13, when the injuries were suffered, there's no guarantee that she'll remain at her current location.
"If (the accused) is released, the safety of the victim is in jeopardy," said Aitken.
However, defence lawyer Ken Allison said the man is concerned about the maintenance of his home during the winter months.
Bourassa agreed with Aitken, noting that the trial -- scheduled for March 6 - wasn't too far in the future to overly inconvenience the man, who has been in custody since Jan. 13.