by Nancy Gardiner
Northern News Services
NNSL (Feb 17/97) - The principle was contained in a consultation paper on an updated policy on mine reclamation in the NWT released last week by the minister of Indian and Northern affairs.
"With the recent high level of exploration in the NWT, it is important that this policy is finalized and put in place as soon as possible. It is proposed that the cost of reclamation and closure of a mine should be the responsibility of the mining company," said Irwin.
Dr. Martin Barnett, a spokesman for DIAND in Ottawa, says feedback will be received up until March 21.
"Then, depending upon the magnitude and direction of the feedback, comments will be evaluated and DIAND will meet with parties concerned."
Dr. Barnett says a number of mine closures are expected in the NWT over the next few years.
The document requires that clear processes be in place at the planning stage of a new mine to reclaim the land, close the mine and finalize the operation according to clear guidelines.
Mining companies would also be required to provide financial assurance so that at the end of a mine's operational life, each site would be reclaimed properly.
The policy aims to strike a balance between the environment and development concerns so that the NWT continues to provide an attractive investment climate.
In August, DIAND released a discussion paper on proposed revisions to the mining royalty regime in the NWT.
The two initiatives are part of a series of revisions the department is undertaking to address and update NWT mining.