by Jennifer Pritchett
Northern News Services
NNSL (NOV 27/96) -Four family law bills are expected to be introduced during the November sitting of the legislative assembly.
Those bills include the Child and Family Services Act, the Adoption Act, the Children's Law Act and the Family Law Act.
Other bills expected to be introduced during the fourth session of the 13th assembly include the Justice Administration Statutes Amending Act, Supplementary Appropriation Act, and the Municipal Statutes Amending Act.
The proposed Child and Family Services Act sets out what the government considers to be in the best interests of a child.
It includes a proposal for a community-based framework for the design and delivery of child protection services.
The proposed Adoption Act sets out the requirements for all adoptions in the Northwest Territories with the exception of aboriginal custom adoptions, which have their own legislation.
It includes provisions for the administration of private adoptions, step-parent adoption and the adoption of children under government protection.
The proposed Children's Law Act sets out the legal status of children, the establishment of parentage, custody and access to children, guardianship of the estates of children and child support.
The proposed Family Law Act deals with domestic contracts, spousal support, division of family property and possession of the family income.