by Mark Sproxton
Northern News Services
NNSL (NOV 15/96) - Revenue Canada is after residents of Con Camp for taxes owed on property assessed at about $522,000.
After auditing the mine, the federal tax department determined rental residents were not paying fair market value for their properties.
For the years 1993 to 1995 Revenue Canada said tenants received a taxable benefit on about $141,000 of housing units and $381,000 on trailer lots.
Representatives from Con met with Revenue Canada officials in Edmonton last week. Con officials will now gather more information on housing in the camp and in the city and pass it along to the tax people.
"They seemed open to any information we could bring forward," said Ron Vankoughnett of Con's corporate human resources department.
"I'm sure a more equitable result will be forthcoming. We can at least reduce that amount substantially."
With Revenue Canada's current assessment, some residents could be on the hook for $4,000 to $5,000, he added.
Con has about 30 rental properties.
Sheldon Duke, a member of Revenue Canada's verification and enforcement division, would neither confirm nor deny the audit. He said he could not comment on private tax matters.